13 July 2006

Noveling: Days Eleven to Seventeen

Despite my best intentions, I got way behind over the weekend. I was seeing Pirates on Friday and could have written when I got home, but my head was so filled with the movie that my characters would have been suddenly replaced with Captain Mack Arrow and Alizabeth Wann and Mr. Lorrington. I was out of town on Saturday and Sunday, but I had time and the means to write, I just did not. Wrote quite a lot on Monday, a good amount on Tuesday (before another Pirates viewing), and quite a lot again on Wednesday. Due to me being no good at math, I thought I had caught up, but I've just realized that I miscounted by a day, so I'm still a bit behind. But not even a whole day's worth, so that's not as bad as it could be.

It is an awful, awful novel. Usually when I write, even if it is for NaNoWriMo where quantity is valued more than quality, I know that I will be letting people read at least some of what I've written, so I manage to not let things get too terrible. But this! I went into it not intending to let anyone read it, and the apparent result of not writing for any audience but myself is that I churn out even crappier crap than I thought I could. It is not without redeeming qualities, and it is challenging and making my brain work and getting me thinking about other things I might want to write, so I am still very glad that I am writing it. But it's still unbelievably awful.

( #########======== )
27,088 / 50,000 : 54.2%

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