30 June 2006

Noveling: Day Five

Or rather, Not Noveling, thanks to an emergency extraction of my wisdom (tooth).

Orin Scrivello, DDS! You are the worst muse yet!

29 June 2006

Noveling: Day Four

Kate Winslet! My favorite Kate. Seriously, she's perfection. And inspirational enough, apparently, as I remain a bit more than a day ahead of schedule. Huzzah!

( ###============= )
8,366 / 50,000 : 16.7%

Noveling: Day Three

Lessons learned today: I should really do all my writing away from home. Yesterday I wrote about twice as much as I had planned on, much of it while sitting in Starbucks where I had few distractions and felt compelled to keep steadily typing for the benefit of looking busy and important in front of the other patrons. Today I intended to start writing as soon as I got home from work but instead ended up blobbing around getting distracted until around 10:30 when I finally went, "Crappity crap, I should really get some writing done," at which point I seriously considered writing for about an hour before actually doing any. Methinks it is back to Starbucks tomorrow.

Or else it is all just the muse of the day's fault and perhaps tomorrow's new one will change things up. Curse you, Gerard Butler, for instilling in me a lack of motivation!

( ##============== )
6,689 / 50,000 : 13.4%

27 June 2006

Noveling: Day Two

Cate Blanchett is the muse for the day. She is a lovely lady! And helped me reach my word count goal before the afternoon was over. Huzzah!

Chapter One is finished, and the story is utter crap, but I am having fun enough with it (and fun enough complaining about it), so things are looking good.

Off to write more now, with the aid of Starbucks.

Progress meter! To be updated in this post until my next progress post tomorrow night.

(##============== )
5,086 / 50,000 : 10.2%

26 June 2006

Noveling: Day One

So I am doing a NaNoWriMo thing again (I've done that for 4 years), only in July. And actually starting today instead of July 1 (with the deadline in 31 days). And by "starting" I mean "drinking a pot of coffee and looking at pictures of attractive men while occasionally pausing to write a few words". I am on my way to winning!

Here is a picture of MatsuJun, who is my muse for the day, but seeing as I haven't made my daily word count goal yet, he's obviously not very good at it. But he is pretty! Look at his glasses! And his eyebrows! And his lips!

Over and out, bitches.

ETA: Okay, so it's after midnight and technically Day Two, but I haven't gone to bed yet and I hate admitting that I got behind on the first day, so I'm going to pretend I didn't and just go, "Yay, met my word count goal for the day!"