11 August 2008

Things You May Not Know About Me: #1

I get so unbelievably obsessed with the Olympics. This might be surprising, as I'm far from being the biggest sports fan normally. But the Olympics? I cannot get enough. I totally rearrange my schedule so as to be able to watch as many events as possible. I stay up late, I get up early, I eat and shower and get dressed and exercise during commercial breaks. I get all emotionally invested in, like, rowing events. It is guaranteed that I will cry at some point. It's totally fantastic.

This is just with the summer Olympics though. I enjoy the winter Olympics, but I find them somewhat depressing at the same time. I'm just not a fan of cold and snow! And I find summer sports so much more fun! So I watch, but I don't obsess.

Anyway, it's what, day 3? I'm already so deeply into things that I can't remember what I possibly did with my free time, like, last week. How did life happen before the Olympics? What will I do when they're over?

So much love.

25 July 2008


Well, it hasn't quite been a year this time since the last update.


The problem, I think, is that I never figured out what I really wanted to do with this blog.

And I still haven't!

*goes away to ponder this*

23 August 2007

Things I Love (This Week)

1. Young Frankenstein. Both the always delightful movie and the new and delightful musical.
2. Roger Bart as Carmen Ghia in The Producers. Okay, I like this every week - just thinking about Roger Bart in The Producers makes me laugh - but I'm thinking of it especially a lot since I just saw him in Young Frankenstein.
3. My new green skirt. It is a skirt! It is very green! It is new!
4. Tai Chi. I got a new workout DVD that has the slow kind you normally think of and a fast set that sort of kicked my ass the first time I did it. In a good way! It's lovely.
5. m-flo. I had a few songs of theirs, but I bought an album at Kinokuniya the other day and can't stop listening to it. Awesomeness.

Of course, apart from those things everything else is pain and despair. Or just really boring.

20 July 2007


So apparently I haven't updated this in a year?


20 July 2006

Noveling: Day Twenty-Five

Finished! Finished early!

My joy and relief can only be expressed as Ralph Fiennes With An Umbrella.

Wrote eight hundred something more words than I needed to because of that pesky plot that appeared at the very end and suddenly refused to wrap itself up neatly. Not sure why I was so concerned with getting the ending right anyway - the rest of the novel is overflowing with plot holes.

Next project: over the next three months, rewrite an extremely crappy novel I wrote back in 2002 and hopefully turn it into something only mildly crappy.

( ################## )
50,864 / 50,000 : 101.7%

19 July 2006

Noveling: Day Twenty-Four

Didn't write as much today as I could have, opting instead for shopping and watching TV and actually reading a book for once. But no worries! I should hit 50,000 tomorrow without too many problems. Whether the piece of crap book is finished or not at that point is up in the air. I thought I could really end it at any point, but a pesky plot seems to have surfaced at the end that might take longer than that to wrap up. Still, so close!

Thanks, muse o' the day! You are such gorgeousness, Natalie Portman.

( ################= )
47,289 / 50,000 : 94.6%

Noveling: Day Twenty-Three

Today was the least productive day in, well, days. It was still totally productive though. If I really work at it, I could finish tomorrow, but it will probably be on Thursday. Blessings on you, Starbucks, for once again providing a comfortable and inspirational place for the writing.

Cillian Murphy helped too, but I think his scary beautifulness might have frightened away a few of the more shy words.

( ###############== )
45,291 / 50,000 : 90.6%

17 July 2006

Noveling: Day Twenty-Two

Another excellent day of writing thanks to Starbucks. Meant to sit there until I'd written a thousand words and didn't end up leaving until I'd written almost three thousand. At this rate, I'll be done in a couple days. The story is so lacking in plot that I think I should be able to wrap it up anytime. Fantastic!

Helena Bonham Carter, thou art lovely and inspirational.

And I am very sleepy.

( ###############== )
43,233 / 50,000 : 86.5%

Noveling: Day Twenty-One

I dreamed about my novel last night. Apparently these crap characters are far more in my head than I had thought. I can vaguely remember dreaming the end of the story, and I wish I could really remember it because right now I have no idea how to end this shite thing.

I meant to write as much as I could, all day long, but I wrote so much yesterday that I was kind of burned out today, so although I got a lot done, it wasn't quite as much as I'd hoped.

David Tennant was not so much a muse as a reward today. Kept telling myself things like, "Just make it to 38,000, and you can watch David Tennant in something," and "Come on, finish another 1000 words and you can watch David Tennant in something else!" It worked remarkably well.

( ##############=== )
40,084 / 50,000 : 80.2%