23 August 2007

Things I Love (This Week)

1. Young Frankenstein. Both the always delightful movie and the new and delightful musical.
2. Roger Bart as Carmen Ghia in The Producers. Okay, I like this every week - just thinking about Roger Bart in The Producers makes me laugh - but I'm thinking of it especially a lot since I just saw him in Young Frankenstein.
3. My new green skirt. It is a skirt! It is very green! It is new!
4. Tai Chi. I got a new workout DVD that has the slow kind you normally think of and a fast set that sort of kicked my ass the first time I did it. In a good way! It's lovely.
5. m-flo. I had a few songs of theirs, but I bought an album at Kinokuniya the other day and can't stop listening to it. Awesomeness.

Of course, apart from those things everything else is pain and despair. Or just really boring.

20 July 2007


So apparently I haven't updated this in a year?